Sunday, February 24, 2019

Venezuela wants no part of an intervention

1999 was my first visit to South America. We traveled in Venezuela in 2008 for three months. Oh, the beaches...the mountains!. Incredible place!
Hundreds of thousands of Venezueleanos have traveled into Ecuador. My first direct experience with mass migration. I think, a story for the future of the planet earth.
Ever time we go to town we see folks from Venezuela(I can pick them out of a crowd instantly). I asked them 'que pasa?' They spill their stories of travel, forced change and long distances from loved one. All are nice folks.
They are looking for work. Food. Shelter. The basics. Many are sending money home to family in Venezuela. It's hard to find work? Some are desperate. Alone. Hard to be like that! This isn't good for Ecuador!
But, none of them want the military from the US, or others nations to get involved in Venezuela. 
They always say, 'hay un eleccion legal y Maduro es presidente'.

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