Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Emergency Trip to the Pastaza, Ecuador to deliver medicine for Luis Kuash

We took Elan out of school March 19 and went directly to Arutma Kakarmari to deliver medicine for a chronic prostate diagnosis. Our message was a long time coming. No more flouridated salt, sugar, vegetable oil in his diet. The local tiendas sell these poisons to all remote communities in Latin America. It is one of the effective, unnoticeable methods of 'new school' colonialization globally.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Lift-Off Global Network Film Festival 2021--Interview with Tessie Herrasti

  • Tessie Herrasti

    Hello everyone and my dearest Gregorio and Loni from Fogata Films here is the conversation we had together, please share it whenever you can so that the message and this spaces of dialogue can reach more people. I hope everyone is safe and well.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Covid Cult

Beware of the Covid Cult. The newest theological neo-liberal hornet nest apparition 'complete' with classic public Christian chastisement. Some of you already know this gig? If you don't agree then you are doomed to hell. In this case, you're 'killing' people or other outlandish nonsense. Regrettably, a tiresome verbal abuse follows tragically upon family & friends(history sustain). Obsequious, one-dimensional zombie zealots whom unleash unapologetic dogma void of logic or facts. Warning flag everyone: judgmental orthodoxy goes very deep in the roots of American history!

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Berlin Lift-Off Film Festival has posted a response to your review.

Berlin Lift-Off Film Festival

Whilst we can't wait to get back to live events, it's always good to take the positives, and we're so glad you enjoyed and made the most of the online festival. Thank you for screening with us!